Metrolux Redevelopment
Location: Loveland, CO
Client: Gemm Homes, Inc.
Project Type: Commercial Redevelopment
Size: 6.69 acres, 79,000 square feet
Services Provided: Site Planning, Entitlement Processing, Graphic Design, Landscape Architecture, Building Exterior Design
Status: Approved, awaiting construction
The Good Stuff: When the Metrolux theatre moved to a new location, it provided a prime opportunity to redevelop the existing facility. We worked with the client to devise a strategy to reuse the existing facility for two to three larger users. We also worked with the client and the city in positioning three new retail buildings to work within the existing parking lot and landscaping. This provided an ability to screen the parking lot from Hwy 34, a prime arterial into the city of Loveland.
In addition to our normal services, we also worked with the client and their in-house architecture staff in creating footprints for the buildings and the exterior design of the buildings. These were used for both marketing graphic illustrations and for entitlements.